2007 CERT events : Soon & Recent & On-Line Training
Soon: ____________.
. Sep. Emergency Preparedness Month
. Sep. ? Basic CERT Course: (TBA)
. Sep. 15 Am. Red Cross: Save-A-Life event @ Marshal HS, N.Fx 584-8400, S.Fx 805-2057.
. Sep. 27 Thu. Citizen Corps Council @ Fx Govt.Ctr. Rm.9-10
. Oct. 6 Sat., 9-1 Alexandria CERT drill victims (observers) needed: Kim.Purcell@alexandriava.gov, 706-3940 ext. 231
. Oct. 27, 09-noon: "Mobilization & Despensing Site" exercise by Vol.Fx, & MRC @ somewhere in Fx Co
Recent: ____________.
Aug. 21 Medical Needs Registry : Should be part of your community EP education
Aug. 16 Class: "Volunteer Management Boot Camp" $25 thru Volunteer Fairfax
Aug. 8 Class: "Alternative Community Service Volunteers" $25 thru Volunteer Fairfax
Aug. 8 Class: "Advanced CERT Rescue Training at the Fire Acadamy"
Aug. 7 "National Night Out" big Fx show @ Camalot ES, from 3 to 5 PM
Aug. 1 Wed. Class: Continuing CERT training: Hazards of clandestine methamphetamine labs. (already full)
Aug. 1 Wed., 6:30 - 8p: Ice Cream Social for the Bel Air Civic Asso., in the park (Family EP games & reviews)
Jul. 25 Wed. Class: "Technology and Volunteer Management" $55 thru Volunteer Fairfax
Jun. 23-24 North American Radio Field Day w/ Vienna Wireless @ Burke Lake Park
Jul. 23 Mon. Class: "Medical Rserve Corps Orientation" (every few weeks at www.fairfaxmrc.org )
Jun. 10-13 National Conference on Community Preparedness @ Arl. Marriott
. . . (Lots of good overview & project development stuff still here! All free, as long as it stays up!)
Jun. 9 Sat. Full Scale Exercise for CERT 24-28 @ FCFire Acadamy
Jun. 8-10 Fx Co. fair (Celebrate Fairfax) @ FxCo Govt.Ctr.
Jun. 7 Thu. Emergency Preparedness Forum @ James Lee Center
May 31 Thu. Citizen Corps Council @ Fx Govt.Ctr. Rm.9-10
May 19 Sat. BSA Disaster trail exercises at the BSA Camporee @ Lk Fairfax
May 4 Sat. Dulles A/P Disaster Exercise
Mar. 14 - Jun. 9: Basic CERT Course #27/28 [by JRB]
... A short history of the CERT program would be nice, here! Share the history you know! Post your Basic date in a comment to get your name (or just inits.) up in lights!
Do you know of other events?
Please post a comment to let us all know of opportunities for CERT related training, publicity, recruitment, and practice,
and Community Emergency Plan Development (especially by Civic Associations) .
Even if the event is not open (Civic Asso mtgs etc.), it might inspire similar activities elsewhere.
On-Line Training Links: ____________. (more to come...?)
Learn about the FxCo Information Technology infrastructure for Emergency Preparedness.
Fire Fighter Exams (learn some of what you don't know yet.)
Fire Fighter On-Line Training matls
FEMA's Independent Study Program
. All of these basic tutorials are appropriate for CERT members, and IS(ICS) course#s 100, 200, 700 & 701 are required by some jurisdictions & positions that ordinary CERT members might fill.
. The FEMA site has basic & professional development courses for free!
Calendar of Events
Posted by
7/14/2007 07:34:00 PM
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